Saturday, November 12, 2011

Trying to Find the Peace

I am struggling with our recent move to TN. My family is back in MN and I am here living in TN and getting ready to launch a nationally syndicated Christian radio show. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I know that God has put in motion all of this. I have no doubt that every thing from the job, my boss, my new partner, the sale of our house, finding a home here...all of it came together through God's hands and grace. Knowing this I am really struggling with feeling guilty about being scared and scared about the decision to move my daughter and husband. How is it that on one sense I know that this is where God wants us and yet I still wonder if this is going to work out?

How can I say I trust God with all my life and yet be scared that I somehow am hurting my daughter by moving her? How can I know with all my being that this is where God has put us and be scared about her going to a new school and making new friends? I guess the biggest question I have is how do I reconcile God's peace with my own fear? Is it normal to feel fear and peace at the same time? Can they co-exist? Am I lacking in faith if I also have fear?

I honestly don't have any answers. I just know what I feel and that is peace that I am where I am supposed to be and fear that this move will be hard on my daughter and fear over the 'what ifs'. I don't know if this makes me a bad Christian, but I'd like to think that it just makes me an honest one. I hope that God looks and hears me and grants me His peace. That is my prayer for myself and for my family. God's will and peace in the midst of all the changes.


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